All posts by Benhorn Sheep

Salomon shoes rock !

My whole family wears Salomons for trail running and hiking (except for my youngest brother because we can’t find them in his size). I have bought the same model of Salomon trail shoes, Speedcross 3, four times, but in different colors and sizes, as I’ve outgrown each pair. I also recently purchased a pair of Salomon hiking boots. Every time I buy a pair of these I find that it is well worth the investment. For example, the last time I was out chasing Bigfoot,  my Salomon  trail-running shoes helped me run through the snow to catch it. It turned out to be my dad after he hadn’t shaved for a month. Anyone could make that mistake. But I go out training for my Philmont trek with my troop and both my running shoes and my boots make training on mount Hockley that much more fun.


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This is a picture of my brother and me in action sporting our Salomons and another shot of my family showing off their kicks on the Appalachian Trail.



This is all the pairs of Salomons we currently have in the house. (Two other pairs had to be thrown out due to the swamp smell emanating from them.)


Guess who didn’t wear his Salomons.

If you need a pair of boots or trail running shoes, I recommend Salomons as they have served me well and they will probably do the same for you. In the Houston area, we recommend a visit to Ground Up Athletics. They were the first to introduce us to this great line of trail shoes.

Disclaimer:  We don’t yet receive any kickbacks or discounts from the companies that we brag about, but we are certainly willing to change that…

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