Tag Archives: EpicSummerRoadTrip2015

A-team road trip 2015 day 5

We woke up at five just to finish packing and cuz we knew it would take forever to get the Wildabeast moving.

Then we took a shuttle to the airport, checked a few bags then waited in a line to catch a flight.


On dah plain
On dah plain

After the flight, we checked into our condo and headed to the beach.

On dah beach
On dah beach

It was a great first day in Oahu!
We will be posting more cool info from Hawaii.

A-Team road trip 2015 day 2

We left for Krispy Kreme at 8:45 am. We ordered 12 donuts and got five free. It was a good breakfast. Afterward, we got lost for an hour trying to avoid a major accident and the traffic that it caused on I-10, then we drove to El Paso. Do you know how boring I-10 is through this part of Texas?!? On the way there, we spent our time programming in Scratch and I created a game. Then we took a tour through the Franklin Mountains SP. We hiked up a cool trail to an even cooler cave, then drove back to El Paso. After that, we ate more Mexican food at the L&J cafe.IMG_5446IMG_5411 I highly recommend the tacos picadillos or tacos deshabradas. This place has been around since 1927 for a reason, folks! My little brother loved the sopapillas, too.

A Team 2015 Road Trip Part 1

We got a late start to our roadtrip.We took a 3 to 3 1/2-hour drive to Sea World, San Antonio to check out some whales and ride some rides. Sam and my mom rode The Great White once, and rode The Steel Eel 6 times before getting kicked off because Sammy’s peace signs looked like double barrels. (Their camera really timed it perfectly; his peace signs were on their way up.) We also saw two pretty cool whale shows, Azul, and “The Sham-Smash”. Azul was all about synchronized swimming, and “The Sham-Smash” was all about the whales. The second was better. Afterwards, we finished the day with gourmet Mexican food from La Margarita at Market Square. What better way to finish off day 1!