On our way to New Hampshire, we stopped off in Vermont for a tour of the Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream factory. We watched a short video and learned all about the history of the company. We love running our own shaved ice stand in the summer so learning more about a company that makes awesome ice cream was really cool. The ice cream was the best and the WilE loved the bathroom. Free samples rock and roll. We had milk and cookies for FREE! What can you say – Ice Cream is really good and Ben and Jerry’s makes some cool flavors of ice cream.

Franconia Notch State Park was one of our favorite spots on this road trip. There was so much for all of us to do.
The Flume Gorge Hike was really cool as we were able to walk down into a live water fall. It was cold and the water was blowing everywhere. Wile loved the cave, but it was wet and creepy.

We camped at the Lafayette Place Campground in site 19. The site was great as it was a large camp site that backed up to the mountains. We had awesome neighbors minus the crazy lady with the dog and beer breath. She scared Ben so bad he almost wanted to go home. We loved the open field and all of the soccer games with Ellis and his big brother from Massachusetts. Our hot dogs were really good as well as we got to cook them on the fire once our dog got out of the way. He almost ate all of the dogs.

The state park rents bikes all over and you can bike from spot to spot throughout the park. We really wish we had done this, but our little brother is too small. Maybe next time.
We saw the illusive pigmy bear that only exists in Franconia Notch. It kept trying to steal our oreos.

It did rain on us a bit, but it was not a big deal. It actually rained on us on all of our camping spots but 1 this summer so we were used to it. Our Marmot tents have held up really well and have kept us dry the whole way no matter how much it has rained.
We rode the Mt. Washington Cog Railway to the top of Mount Washington. Wile is in love in trains and he loved this ride more than anything else on the whole trip. It was really cool and we all loved it. This railway is self-maintained and does not get any funding from any state or national level. Great job guys taking care of your business!

Acadia is up next and we will stay in Maine for 8 days!
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